The 4Front Project is a member-led youth organisation empowering young people and communities to fight for justice, peace and freedom. 4FRONT was established in 2012 to provide a platform for young people who have been impacted by violence to create change. Since then, 4FRONT has pioneered an approach that empowers the young people most directly harmed by violence and the criminal justice system to be at the forefront of a grassroots movement for change.
Our approach prioritises racial justice and empowers members to recognise their strengths and identify systemic barriers. We specialise in providing culturally specific services, tailored to meet the needs of those who identify as Black (including Black British, African, Caribbean and Mixed Heritage). We acknowledge the impact of racism and discrimination on our members and actively work to dismantle these systems.
At 4FRONT, we fundamentally believe that there is a difference between reducing violence and building peace. Our work centres healing and transformative justice whilst directly challenging the UK’s addiction to criminalisation, policing and prisons. This approach has been shaped and influenced by best practice from around the world. By amplifying our members’ voices and advocating for a holistic approach to build peace, we have transformed the way in which society understands how to support young people who have been affected by violence and shaped the agenda around how to tackle the systemic causes of it. We support 4FRONT members to transform their own lives, whilst uplifting their voices to create change in the system.
Work supported by Act for Change Fund
This grants funds 4FRONT’S youth-led campaigning activity and the 4FRONT Youth Activism Fellowship – a structured employment and training programme that empowers 4FRONT members to identify the structural issues that impact our communities, speak truth to power and fight for the changes they wish to see in society. Youth Activism Co-ordinators (YACs) are young visionary leaders with lived experience of the issues 4FRONT campaign to address – they are best placed to be at the forefront of a powerful movement for change. The programme builds power by focussing on youth leadership; identity; personal stories; community stories, the history of Black resistance, movements and movement-building; community healing, health and wellbeing and transformative justice.
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