PEERS training launch
Are you a professional who would like to understand how to navigate conversations with young people around mental health?
Do you feel you have more to learn?
This launch event will explore the PEERS training led by Newport Mind. This training is a guide for professionals on how to navigate conversations with young people about mental health in a way that is comfortable for everyone. Our team of volunteers from ages 14-25, known as Wellbeing Ambassadors, have created this programme based on real life experiences of young people in Newport.
In this launch event you will get more information about what this training entails, as well as, why it has been created. You will also get an insight into the activities involved in PEERS training.
Newport Mind
About the speakers

About Poppy Smith
I have been a proud Volunteer for Newport Mind since March 2020 and it is something that I find extremely fulfilling. Being able to positively impact my community and voice my opinion while learning more about mental health support and social action is something I feel privileged to experience. The skills I have gained, and the opportunities that I’ve had, has given me the confidence to speak up and really make a difference!

About Ella Evans
My name is Ella, I’m am 19 and I live in Newport . I volunteer for Newport Mind and i do several things as a volunteer including things such as helping to create ideas to do with different projects that will be happening at Mind recently I was delivering peer support as well as being a part of the seasons we deliver. As well as this i am also part of fundraising in which we work to secure funding for different projects and groups that we want to run.

About Katie Massey
I’m Katie, I’m 17 years old and live in South Wales. I’ve been a volunteer at Newport Mind for almost a year. I love being able to have a day and make a difference in my community as well as improve my own mental well-being. At Newport Mind, there are loads of opportunities from bid writing to social action. A few of my favourites are delivering our PEERS training and more recently peer support sessions.

About Ellie Francis
I’m Ellie, I’m 17 and live in Monmouthshire. I have been a volunteer at Newport Mind for a couple of months and have loved getting involved with various projects as well as being able to express ideas and having a voice for young people too. So far, there have been lots of great opportunities to get involved with and there are many more to come such as our social activity group in the summer. Being a volunteer has allowed me to build my confidence, expand my knowledge on mental health support and make a difference!