Youth Access is the national membership organisation for youth information, advice and counselling services (YIACS). We work with our members to provide a unified voice for the youth advice and counselling sector, and support young people to campaign for transformational change to deliver the services and systems that meet their needs and fulfil their rights.
We believe that every young person has a right to access free, high quality advice and counselling. Working with our members, we promote the Youth Access YIACS (Youth Information, Advice and Counselling) model as part of local services for young people everywhere.
We do this by:
- Providing YIACS with the tools they need to deliver high quality services to young people
- Building the evidence to shape policy and services that meet young people’s needs
- Promoting young people’s right to be heard
Work supported by Act for Change Fund
Our Minds, Our Future: Supporting Youth Rights Advocates for Mental Health Youth Access is a representative body that champions young people’s right to access local, high quality, evidence-informed advice, counselling and support services.
This grant will go towards improving the charity’s Rights Advocates Training Programme and linking young people with those in power in an effort to increase the reach and impact of the Our Minds, Our Future mental health campaign.
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